“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” –Martin Luther King, JR

As a woman and grandchild of Mexican immigrants, I hope to help eliminate the lack of quality mental healthcare for groups that have been historically marginalized.

As mental-health professionals, we respect and protect civil and human rights. Social movements are central to increasing awareness, promoting activism, and empowering others surrounding the intersections of racism, injustice, and inequality.

As an individual, I am committed to issues surrounding

Social justice for every ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, age, creed, and socioeconomic status.

Diversity within representation.

Black Lives Matter and the fight for equality, respect, safety, and nonviolence.

LGBTQIA+ identities and the rights for every person to love, live, work, marry, parent, and present themselves freely.

Immigration without fear of familial separation, violence or abuse.

Women’s Rights to equal opportunities & lives free of harassment.