
About telehealth

Services are available to residents throughout the state of Texas and conducted via secure video platform.

Could you use support but find it difficult to make an in-person appointment? Do you live in a more rural area, or maybe you prefer to stay in your own space due to health concerns? If so, Telehealth may be a good fit for us! 

COVID-19 changed our worldview. Although we’ve returned to enjoying face to face interactions, I continue to see the value in making therapy services accessible through a virtual format. This shift within my practice has allowed me to reach so many individuals across the state of Texas who were motivated to start their own healing journey. Because of this, telehealth will always be offered through my practice.

Online therapy offers confidentiality and privacy along with being able to connect without having to leave the comfort of your own space.

Many clients love the flexibility, convenience and appreciate saving on travel time. Still have questions about how this works? Send me a message and we can figure out what works for you.