Mindful Pauses

Starting the day off on the right foot can make a world of difference for the new week you’re heading into. In fact, the start of your day is the best time to reorganize your thoughts and realign your goals—short and long-term. The reasoning behind this is that grounding yourself with a sense of purpose is important for not only your goals, but your mental health as well.


Shifting your focus can help you regain perspective and regain your sense of purpose.

Imagine this-- going to work and completing task after task on your seemingly endless list, and then returning home only to go back again the next day to repeat the cycle. You can imagine how draining that may feel after a while because despite slowly working through your workload, the point of your work isn’t kept in mind. Thus, your sense of purpose is no longer in sight, and you risk losing what keeps you motivated.

Today’s tip is practicing mindfulness. By taking small breaks throughout your day to breathe or collect your thoughts, you can keep yourself going strong and thinking straight, so your daily tasks are completed to the best of your abilities.

Taking these mindful pauses throughout the day may seem a bit silly at first, but the more you do it, the easier it will get to allow that moment of breathing to take your stress away and leave you feeling ready to start again.


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